Saturday, July 30, 2011

Guess What I'm Trying To Learn

It involves some difficult knot tying...

If this were full-size, I'd need about 20ft of rope...

Cowboys used to be paid a good sum of money to tie one of the knots in this.

Yep, I'm trying my hand at tying rope halters for model horses. I've done a couple before, but I totally copped out and did a double overhand instead of a fiador knot.

I found this video on Youtube, and it's given me the inspiration to try again and do it properly. This video's so easy to follow, a caveman could tie a fiador knot!

Like I said, I've tried before, in Classic scale, and while they don't look great, they do look passable. I'll edit this with pictures later to show off my early attempts.

What I really want to do is make some rope halters in SM size, since I don't see too many of those on MH$P. I'm not sure how much of a market there would be, but it's worth a shot.

I hope that Youtube video helps some other amateur tack makers too. :)

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